Using advanced machine learning, psychometrics, and career satisfaction data, we’ve reimagined what a career test can be.

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Discover your top career matches using CareerExplorer’s cutting-edge science

Our machine learning models train on millions of data points, constantly improving the reliability and validity of our career test results.

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Learn as you go

Each part of the career test unlocks new discoveries — insights into what makes you unique and what career paths you’ll find most fulfilling, building up to your final results.

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Are you a Visionary? Scholar? Builder? Share your personality archetype and career matches with your community with one simple click.

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Complete the career test on your time

Our career test is thorough to give you the most accurate results, not just a quick, generic snapshot. Take the test on your phone, at your desk, on a commute — and come back to it anytime. You can always pick up where you leave off.

How We Determine Your Matches

Four dimensions of career fit

Will the typical workplace of this career make me happy?

Whether you’re in an office or outside, working on a team or independently, your environment is a large contributor to your at-work happiness.

Will my past work and education help me get a job in this career?

Where you live, your experiences, and your education are important to take into consideration when choosing a career.

Will I find this career interesting?

Research shows that interest in a career or field is the number one predictor of career satisfaction.